Sunday, March 6, 2011

1Gbps Ports on the Nexus 5000 Series Switches

The first 8 ports of a Cisco Nexus 5010 switch and the first 16 ports of a Cisco Nexus 5020 switch are switchable 1Gbps and 10Gbps ports. The default interface speed is 10Gbps.
To configure these ports for 1Gbps Ethernet, insert a supported 1Gbps Ethernet SFP transceiver into the applicable port and the set its speed using the speed interface subcommand.
The supported 1Gbps Ethernet SFP transceivers include GLC-T, GLC-SX-MM, and GLC-LH-SM.
Note: If the switch interface and inserted transceiver speed is mismatched, the SFP validation failed error message is displayed for the series of show interface commands.

n5010# sh int brief | in 1/1
Eth1/1        1      eth  access down    SFP not inserted            10G(D) --
n5010# *** After a GLC-LH-SM SFP is inserted into E1/1. ***
n5010# sh int brief | in 1/1
Eth1/1        1      eth  access down    SFP validation failed       10G(D) --
n5010# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
n5010(config)# int e1/1
n5010(config-if)# speed ?
  100    100Mb/s
  1000   1Gb/s
  10000  10Gb/s

n5010(config-if)# speed 1000
n5010(config-if)# end
n5010# sh int brief | in 1/1
Eth1/1        1      eth  access down    Link not connected         1000(D) --
n5010# sh int e1/1 transceiver
    sfp is present
    name is CISCO-FINISAR
    type is 10Gbase-(unknown)
    part number is FTLF1318P2BCL-CS
    revision is 0000
    serial number is FNS11390EKF
    nominal bitrate is 1300 MBits/sec
    Link length supported for 9/125um fiber is 10 km(s)
    Link length supported for 50/125um fiber is 550 m(s)
    Link length supported for 62.5/125um fiber is 550 m(s)
    cisco id is --
    cisco extended id number is 4



  1. Hello Yap, So will the interface work even without the transceiver at 10G? Why am I not able to ping the interface. I am asking cos I am not in a location to plug in a transceiver but still need to use the device interface somehow.

  2. The intended application must be thoroughly considered, and the switch selected must meet the requirements of the application. Careful attention to detail and to the basic principles of measurement can help ensure greater system accuracy and performance.
    Bussmann Fuses
